Concrete conservation Actions

Action C.1:Restoration of the Mediterranean salt  meadows (Natura 2000 network code: 1410)
Target species : Ferruginous Duck, Bittern, Slender-billed Curlew

Partner responsible for the activity: Lago Salso Oasis SpA

The action consists in the creation of a 90 hectare basin, in the southern border strip of the Lago Salso Oasis, with variable water levels, in order to increase the availability of suitable areas for aquatic birds such as waders, herons and ducks, above all for the target species (Ferruginous Duck, Bittern, Slender-billed Curlew).

Given the rapid colonisation capacity of the  autochthonous aquatic plants which are typical of the area (in particular Juncus maritimus, Scirpus spp., Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia), as a complementary activity, at the end of the digging activities, preliminary planting will take place in sample areas covering a total of 10 hectares using species with rhizomes and seeds from local ecotypes in the Lago Salso Oasis and the surrounding areas.

The action will be carried out by Lago Salso Oasis personnel. Given the size of the works, they will be carried out in the second, third and fourth year of the project.

Action C.2. Opening ponds in the marsh
Target species : Ferruginous Duck, Bittern, Pygmy Cormorant
Partner responsible for the action: Lago Salso Oasis SpA

The action consists in opening up ponds of various depths (from 0 to 200 cm) in the  continuous vegetation. They will have sinuous edges which form shelters and narrow peninsulas for the refuge and nesting of avifauna. The dimensions of the ponds vary from 0,25 to 1 hectare, and some will be connected through narrow channels.

These works will be carried out in the Valle Alta and in the Valle di Mezzo, as these are the parts of the marsh which are most affected by the phenomenon of filling in and the invasion of rushes (Phragmites australis), with hardly any ponds. Two pools will be opened up in the Valle Alta for a total marsh area of around 4 hectares, including the communicating channels.

Most of the soil excavated will be transported to a deposit area located in the pasture area next to the marsh, where, once the necessary chemical-physical analyses have been carried out and it has dried, it can be distributed on the farms next to the wetland.
Another part of the soil excavated will be deposited in the excavated area in the marsh in order to create a large island (action C3), where autochthonous trees and shrubs adapted to living in the high humidity conditions of the terrain can be planted.

In Valle di Mezzo 6 ponds will be created with an average depth of 0,75m  and covering circa 6 hectares of surface area including the intercommunicating channels. The excavated material will be transported to the shore and then to the deposit area, where it will be analysed, treated and used in the same way as that excavated in Valle Alta.

Action C.3.: Creation of islands in the marsh
Target species: Ferruginous Duck, Bittern, Pygmy Cormorant
Partner responsible for the action: Lago Salso Oasis SpA

This action, connected  to and concomitant with action C2, will be carried out in Valle Alta and Valle di Mezzo of the Lago Salso Oasis. Part of the material resulting from the excavation of the ponds and the interconnecting channels will be used to create 5 islands  of 50 m2 in order to facilitate stopping over for foraging and  the nesting of birds, particularly the herons and anatids (in particular the Bittern, Ferruginous Duck and Pygmy Cormorant).

Three of the islands will be covered in river gravel and two will be planted with trees (Tamerix gallica and Populus alba) which can be used for nesting and roosting by the Pygmy Cormorant.

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The LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity 2007 project  –“Conservation activities for priority avifauna in the Lago Salso Oasis” is structured according to 4 series of actions:

1 Preparatory actions
2 Concrete conservation actions
3 Awareness raising and communication actions
4 Monitoring actions
Beneficiary Partner: